Form builder

Créé: 09/03/2018
Dernière mise à jour: 09/03/2018
Nombre de vues pour le message: 1770

One of Sugester's modules is a form builder, which allows you to to easily create, embed or email custom forms. This is a very useful tool if you'd like conduct a survey, collect contact information from leads or include a contact form on your website.

To access the form builder you must first have to 'Forms' module enabled. To make sure that is the case, click Settings in the top right-hand corner, select More from the list and scroll down. You will see this icon:

Click it to enable the 'Forms' module for your account. After you've done so, a new item will appear on the top menu pane named Forms. Click it to access the 'Forms' module and start building your form.

When you're in the 'Forms' module, click the + New button on in the top left-hand corner and select Create form on the next screen.

You will be redirected to the form builder screen, which looks like this:

As you can see, the basic view allows you to give your form a Name (displayed publicly) and Description (also displayed publicly), as well as add new fields to your forum. The field types are as follows:

  • Text field - a small text field best suited for information like names;
  • Select - a drop-down selection list;
  • Text area - a large text field, good for things like descriptions or messages;
  • Multiple choice - a multiple choice field with tickable boxes;
  • Radio button - a yes/no button, best used for things such as opting in to a service or newsletter;
  • Date field - a small text field that only allows users to input dates;
  • Text - a section of non-editable text, used for things as survey questions or explanations.


Every field can be marked as Required - this means that users will not be able to submit the form without inputting a valid value into the field. You can also adjust the fields' Width and, in the case of the 'Text field' enable Data validation. Data validation means that user input will be check against a pattern before the user is allowed to submit the form. There are four kinds of validation available: emailnumbers (the field can only contain numbers), alphanumeric (the field can only contain alphanumeric characters - numbers and letters), and regular expression.

You can rearrange the fields on your form by dragging and droppping them into the desired position. You can also delete unneeded fields by click the trash can symbol on the right-hand side of each field.

If you're satisfied with the fields and descriptions on your form, you can proceed to More options. The advanced options form looks like this:

When you're satisfied with your settings, you can click the Save button at the bottom of the page. You will be sent to a confirmation screen:

As you can see, there are two ways to proceed with your newly created form: you can Send it via email to a target audience or Embed it on your website by copying and pasting a short snippet of code. More information about mass mailing can be found in this article and an embedding walkthrough is available here.

After you've collected some results, you can view them by going to Forms > Show results or download them as an Excel file by going to Forms > Download XLS.



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