A column view on interests/sales funnel

Créé: 09/03/2018
Dernière mise à jour: 16/04/2018

Nombre de vues pour le message: 1782

A column view on interests serves as a visualisation for all the tasks that you have undertaken in order to realize a sale, from the beginning to the end. 

The column view allows you to see the sales opportunity at a particular stage of their implementation. The name of every column is a step on the implementation stage. Not only the interests are displayed, also the clients to whom the interest is assigned, the person responsible for the interest, the estimated profit, as well as any graphical images if they have been added to the interest. 

For interest to have graphical images - all you have to do is add one as an attachment to an Interest. The first image attached is displayed as a thumbnail in the tab in the column view. 

In the column view, you can quickly add a new business by clicking the “+” in the upper right corner of each column. 

You can also change the stages of a given interest (prospect) by simply dragging the interest from one column to another using the drag & drop method. 

Since interests are displayed on the basis of status within the pipeline to check the sales channel, use the Search function in the status field to select the sales channels you want to display from the Pipeline area. The system will only display the column view of interests with the status from the selected sales channel. 


If you select the without pipeline status, the system will show you a column view with all status without pipeline, even if you specified one in the field. Thanks to this measure you are easily able to move interest to another status. 



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