Recurring tasks

Créé: 09/03/2018
Dernière mise à jour: 12/04/2018

Nombre de vues pour le message: 1749

Apart from regular, one-time tasks, Sugester allows you to create recurring tasks. These are a great way to keep track of things that need to be done on a periodical basis, for example daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
Recurring tasks can be created by going to Settings > Account settings > Extras > Recurring tasks and clicking +New recurring task in the top left corner. You will see the following screen:

As you can see, there are multiple options you can adjust. Task name is not displayed anywhere besides the recurring tasks list. Start immediately means that the task will start running right now; you can untick the box to select a different starting date for the task. You can also select an interval for the task in the field marked Repeat every. After filling out the fields pictured above, you can display More options. You will see the following form:

This allows you to change some more properties of your new recurring tasks. When you're satisfied with your setup simply click Save at the bottom of the page to confirm creating a new recurring task.



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